世界前所未有地需要生物学家来解决当今的许多挑战. 澳门赌场在线娱乐,你将为研究生和医学项目做好坚实的准备 在商业、政府、非营利组织中担任一系列与生物学相关的职业 and education.

Program Snapshot

Program Type Format Credit Hours
Major, Minor On-campus 122 (22 for minor)

Why Study Biology at Wilkes?

我们的教师在课堂内外与你密切合作,帮助你获得收获 knowledge and skills to be successful as biologists. Biology faculty members are dedicated 以卓越的教学和能力与本科生进行研究. You’ll dive right into real projects as early as your first year. Our broad curriculum provides 为您提供最大的灵活性,并为您准备各种高级课程和 biology careers. In essence, the Wilkes University Biology faculty members want to you to be successful. By taking advantage of our extensive research opportunities, 你可以在完成学士学位的同时获得硕士水平的研究经验. 我们的许多学生毕业后直接进入博士课程.

What Will You Learn as a Biology Major?

  • 你将获得生物学不同领域的知识,包括细胞和分子 生物学、结构与功能、生态学与进化、植物科学.
  • 你将建立科学调查技能,学习包括基因组学在内的技术, 动物行为学,生物多样性,种群和生态系统生物学,植物学和定量 modeling skills.
  • 你将获得批判性思考生物学问题的能力,以及思考 the human dimension as it relates to the biological sciences. And you'll become adept 在阅读生物学方面的技术文献,如何写关于生物学的文章,以及如何 对你的作品进行口头、海报和手稿的描述.

Program Highlights

Undergraduate Research

早在第一年,我们就会鼓励你进行原创性研究 faculty members. 目前的研究项目包括植物DNA指纹 昆虫,消化和呼吸系统癌症的发展,恢复 受人类活动干扰的生态系统,小型哺乳动物群落的影响 无脊椎动物幼崽激素及其结构和表达的鉴定 of genes in plants, fruit flies, mice and other organisms.

Summer Research

许多学生获得了州和国家的夏季研究补助金. Students have spent summers in programs in China, India and Australia. Others took part in research 在离家更近的宾夕法尼亚州立大学、爱因斯坦医学中心和康奈尔大学 University. 澳门赌场在线娱乐也提供了许多带薪暑期职位,其中包括 free summer housing.

Bioengineering 4+1 Program

生物工程4+1课程结合了四年的生物学本科学习 and one year of graduate study in bioengineering. This cross-disciplinary program 包括工程学、生物学、医学、健康和计算机科学的概念, 与您选择的生物医学工程或合成生物学轨道.

“你的大学经历是你自己创造的,我真的很喜欢我所参与的一切 in.”Neha Metgud '22 - Biology Major
我将永远珍惜我在这里建立的令人惊叹的人际关系 Wilkes, from not only my close friends but also the faculty members.Megan Eller '20 - PhD student in biomedical sciences
无论一个人的头衔是什么,他们总是充满了丰富的知识 that would help to guide you in one direction or another.Seth Platukas '20 - Secondary Science and Career Technology Teacher






Cohen Science Center

科恩科学中心拥有最先进的设备和实验室空间 亲身实践,体验式学习——这是澳门赌场在线娱乐经历的标志. It’s LEED-certified, so you know it’s built to environmentally friendly standards.

Nuangola Bog

这片10英亩的灌丛湿地位于附近的暖安湖南端 an outdoor ecological laboratory. The bog is home to unusual and valued plants such 如猪笼草、芥菜、大果蔓、水魔芋、钮扣灌木等 several species of Sphagnum moss.

The Bog

Genomics Center

基因组学中心位于科恩科学中心的二楼,拥有高端 equipment needed for advanced molecular genetics analyses. Students have access to 一个ABI StepOne Plus实时热循环仪和两个Bio-Rad T100热循环仪. We 有两个纳米滴微型分光光度计,分子设备Spectramax M4 micro plate reader and a UVP gel documentation camera. Finally, we have two New Brunswick Excella E24振动孵化器,一个具有制冷能力和热科学 -80˚C freezer.

Microscopy Facilities

The Wilkes Biology Department boasts fine microscopy resources. Student labs are outfitted 使用徕卡立体解剖显微镜和复合显微镜,使用正面显微镜 having image capture capabilities. A microscopy center features a dark field/phase 对比/荧光复合显微镜的研究和先进的课程使用.

Rosenthal Herbarium

该植物标本室位于科恩科学中心,拥有3300多个标本 of pressed plants, 85% of which were collected in Pennsylvania. More than half come from student collections.

Jacobs Property

占地110英亩的雅各布斯物业作为室外教室和研究实验室. 它主要由森林组成,并以两条溪流和一个海狸池塘为特色. Students 使用iNaturalist应用程序监测树木和野生动物,并清点生物体.

Careers & Outcomes

我们的大多数学生毕业后进入专业学校. Many achieve 对抗疗法和整骨疗法以及联合医疗领域的高薪工作 professions like optometry, podiatry, and dentistry. Our students regularly score MCATS和gre成绩高于平均水平,录取率超过90% medical school.


  • Commonwealth Health System
  • Geisinger Health System
  • Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources
  • Sanofi
  • Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Bode Technology Group Inc.
  • Wiscasset (Maine) School Department
  • San Mateo County (California) Health Department
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • ExxonMobil

Graduate Schools

  • Princeton University
  • Penn State College of Medicine
  • SUNY Upstate Medical University
  • Geisinger Commonwealth Medical School
  • Drexel University College of Medicine
  • Texas A&M University
  • Washington University
  • University of Delaware
  • Texas Tech University
  • University of Maryland

Which Degree is for You: BA or BS?

Bachelor of Science (BS)

在本科专业,你至少要修五门选修课,外加一门高级课程 from each of the five categories.

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

在文学学士专业,你至少要修四门选修课,外加一门高级课程 from each of four of the five categories.

无论你选择哪个学位,你都将学习各种高级课程: 分子和细胞生物学,结构和功能生物学,多样性和人口 biology, plant biology and quantitative biology.